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Human Capital Solutions Designed To Meet Your Needs

Serving Job Seekers Since 1970

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Discover Our Specialty Staffing Firms

For more than 50 years, The CK Hobbie Group has provided thousands of individuals with exposure to a range of employment opportunities. Each of our specialty staffing firms helps provide our clients and job seekers with exposure to both more qualified individuals and job matches. Our approach centers around positively impacting our client's productivity and ensuring positive outcomes. We believe the right people are an employer's strongest asset and are proud to be headquartered in Allentown, PA since 1970.

Home: Services
Image by Hike Shaw
Patient and Nurse
Image by NESA by Makers

Hobbie Personnel Services

Contract Staffing in Manufacturing and Logistics


Healthcare Talent Acquisition and Staff Augmentation 

Hobbie Professional Staff Management

Talent Acquisition and Professional Contract Staffing Services

Informative Interview

Contact Us

3410 Hamilton Boulevard Allentown, PA 18103

Tel: 800-339-3539 (610-433-3677)

Fax: 610-433-7227

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